WordPress vs. Wix vs. Squarespace vs. HTML: Best tool for building a website (2024)

If you want to build a presence online, you need a website. With a lot of website-building tools available, selecting the right one can be a daunting task. In this guide, we’ll compare some of the most popular tools. These are WordPress (wordpress.org), Wix, Squarespace, and HTML. After reading this blog post, you should have a better idea of which one is the best for you!

1. Flexibility and Customization

WordPress: WordPress is a powerhouse in the website-building world. According to various sources, over 40% of websites use WordPress. WordPress offers endless customization options through its wide range of themes and plugins. You can create a website using WordPress regardless of your skill level. With the tools on offer, you can make the website fit your specific needs.

Wix and Squarespace: Wix and Squarespace offer user-friendly drag-and-drop interfaces. they But in many aspects, they lack the level of customization provided by WordPress. If you don’t have much technical know-how, but you understand design, these tools may be enough. WordPress could be a better option if you need more customizability.

HTML: Building a website using HTML provides the ultimate level of customization. This option requires advanced coding skills. It is not suitable for beginners or those with limited time.

2. Ease of Use

WordPress: WordPress is relatively easy to pick up, even for complete beginners. It has a great interface and documentation to support your journey. YouTube and other sources have great tutorials. So don’t worry, you don’t have to be alone on your journey. You can also use plugins such as Elementor to turn WordPress into a drag-and-drop editor.

Wix and Squarespace: Both Wix and Squarespace have user-friendly interfaces. This makes them ideal for individuals with little to no technical expertise. You can drag and drop elements to create your desired layouts. You don’t need any coding knowledge to get started.

HTML: Building a website using HTML requires a solid understanding of coding principles. This can be challenging for beginners. HTML offers complete control over the design and functionality of the site. The learning curve may be a challenge for most beginners. In addition to learning HTML, you might need to learn CSS as well.

3. SEO-Friendliness

WordPress: WordPress is a platform originally designed for blogging. It excels in terms of SEO capabilities. It has built-in features, such as customizable permalinks. There are also many SEO plugins to choose from, such as Yoast. Using performance-enhancing plugins ensures the optimization of your site for search engines.

Wix and Squarespace: Wix and Squarespace offer some basic SEO tools. They do not match the level of customization and control provided by WordPress. You may encounter limitations when implementing advanced SEO strategies.

HTML: Building a website using HTML allows for complete control over the site’s SEO. However, users must manually implement SEO best practices, without any plugins. This can be time-consuming and requires a deep understanding of SEO principles.

4. Scalability

WordPress: WordPress has an extensive plugin ecosystem and scalability. It is suitable for websites of all sizes, from small blogs to large e-commerce stores. As you grow, you can easily expand your site’s functionality with the addition of plugins.

Wix and Squarespace: Wix and Squarespace are suitable for small to medium-sized websites. When it comes to larger enterprises, they may lack the scalability needed. You may encounter limitations when expanding your site or installing complex functionalities.

HTML: Building a website from scratch using HTML provides complete control over scalability. Maintaining and updating the code can become very challenging as it grows.


Choosing the right website-building tool depends on your needs and skill level. WordPress stands out as a versatile platform, used by many. It offers flexibility, ease of use, SEO-friendliness, and scalability. While Wix and Squarespace provide user-friendly interfaces, they lack the control of WordPress. Building websites using HTML offers ultimate control but requires advanced coding skills. The choice between these platforms depends on your requirements and preferences.

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